Friday, August 3, 2012

planets and diseases

 Planets and diseases

Diseases caused by Mars :he produces fevers,blisters,sore eyes, skin diseases,apoplexy,wounds,wicked thoughts. With Jupiter he affects the gall,the reins,back and liver.

Disease caused by Jupiter -
Jupiter rules the liver,blood,ribs,lungs and gristle. Diseases:when afflicted he causes troubles of the heart,cramps,inflammation of the lungs,windy spasms. Apoplexy indicated by a line transverse cutting his mount and extending towards the mount of Saturn(middle finger),and forming there a cleft or little lines.

Disease caused by sun - Diseases:he produces sore eyes and blindness, especially of right eye in man and left in in a woman, and trembling the of the heart,syncope,etc.

Disease caused by moon- Diseases:affects the brain,stomach and belly, and occasions paralysis,epilepsy,cancer,spots on the body,griping and severe colds.

Disease caused by Saturn -
Diseases:he gives dangerous diseases,colds, coughs,melancholy,hypochondriac complaints, dropsy,gout,falling sickness,quarantine and hectic fevers.

Disease caused by mercury -
Diseases:he produces madness,fury,acute fevers, etc

Diseases caused by Venus - Venus causes sexual disease if it's afflicted, net structure or islands make person nervous system breakdown.Venus rules the skin, throat, veins,ovaries and internal generative organs and these are adversely affected by over indulgence in amusements, eating and drinking.

For more discussion on this topic visit planets and diseases

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