Monday, August 6, 2012

About Jupiter Mount

About Jupiter Mount

Jupiter the mighty planet is called a giant of the solar system. It has a diameter of
88,000 miles. Jupiter takes a little less than twelve years to go once round the Sun.
Mythological, Jupiter is the preceptor of Gods. Old Greeks considered Jupiter as
the father of Gods-Zeus. Egyptians call Mm Ammon. Jupiter is said to possess and
offer 'Sathwaguna'. Our fortunes are governed by Jupiter who is the chief governor
for money. Jupiter is termed as 'Greater Fortune' and is said to be hot moist,
sanguine, temperate, social, expansive, masculine and moderate. He governs the
blood, liver, veins, arteries and thighs. He rules higher education and signifies
judges, Councillors, bankers, brokers, theologians, philanthropists, also science,
law, reason and comparison. He rules financial dealings, speculation, shipping
business and foreign affairs. His day is Thursday, metal gold, colour yellow and
gems yellow sapphire and Topaz. Typical Jupiterians are usually termed jovial
owing to the fact that Jupiter gives such characteristics as sociability, hope,
benevolence veneration, compassion, justice, honesty, spirituality, also well
developed faculties of proportion, calculation and location. The Jupiterian is
usually quick to hit the mark as his symbol is the Archer. In the business world,
natives ruled by Jupiter become interested in large popular enterprises and deal
much in matters related to lawyers, judges, bankers, brokers and physicians.
Science and medicine, insurance and commercial traveling often engage their
attention, also affairs of philanthropic, charitable and religious or benevolent
import. Jupiter is called the 'Greater Fortune' because, unless he is ill placed in the
horoscope, he bestows a considerable amount of what appears to be good luck
upon natives who are suited for positions of dignity, trust or power in business and
social circles. Having a logical, broad mind, considerable self possession, self
confidence and determination, they usually inspire confidence and attain
responsible positions. Jupiter is fiery, noble, benevolent, fruitful, jovial, optimistic,
positive, and dignified planet. He is the greatest benefice. However, much other
planets may be ill posited and threaten difficulties to a person, if Jupiter is strong
and well placed in a chart, he will enjoy the providential help at least at the last
moment to tide over the difficulties and get rid of evil. Jupiter also indicates how
far one will respect the elders, preceptors and religious scriptures. Jupiter makes
one law abiding, true, honest, sincere and dutiful. If Jupiter is afflicted in the
horoscope, the native will be an extremist and unconventional. He will be
extravagant and lavish. The other evil effects would be over optimism, false hopes,
carelessness, debts, disputes, failure in speculation, gambling, worry through
children, false prestige, loss of reputation, mis-judgment and miscalculation, etc.
Jupiterians are well built and may have a huge belly. They will have good growth
in youth, have muscular body and become so stout as to command respect from
others. Jupiter is also considered as significator for children (Santan Karaka).
Jupiter owns Sagittarius and Pisces. He is exalted in Cancer, the highest exaltation
point being 5 degrees of Cancer. He is debilitated in Capricorn, the lowest
debilitation being 5 degrees of Capricorn. First 5 degrees portion of Sagittarius is
his MÅ«ltrikona and the rest is hi'-' Swakshetra-The whole of Pisces is also his
Swakshetra. The Sun, the Moon and Mars are friends of Jupiter. Mercury and
Venus are his enemies Saturn is neutral to him.

Disease caused by Jupiter -
This ministerial planet is supposed to be the ruler of the various parts of the body like arterial system, glands, liver/gall bladder, pancreas gland, digestion, absorptive power, ears/hearing power, navel, feet, physical development, palate, throat, the hips and the fat tissue. Jupiter causes various diseases like asthma, phthisis, diabetes and other diseases of pancreas glands, thrombosis, anemia, tumors, jaundice and other liver complaints, ear problems, dyspepsia, flatulence, cough, cold, lymphatic and circulatory congestion. 

Jupiter rules the liver,blood,ribs,lungs and gristle. Diseases:when afflicted he causes troubles of the heart,cramps,inflammation of the lungs,windy spasms. Apoplexy indicated by a line transverse cutting his mount and extending towards the mount of Saturn(middle finger),and forming there a cleft or little lines.

Analyse my palm lines related to health and money

Analyse my palm lines related to health and money 

Read this topic on palm line analysis as an example.Related to career, money

Saturday, August 4, 2012

hi please suggest me regarding my career

hi please suggest me regarding my career

About Saturn mount and line of fate

             Saturn planet or Saturn Mount and Line of fate

Saturn planet or Saturn mount
Saturn is called 'Sanaischara' as it moves along the Zodiac leisurely and more slowly than other planets. He is the outermost planet amongst the planets recognised by Hindu Astrology. Saturn is smaller than Jupiter and his diameter is around 75,000 miles. Saturn takes 291/2 years to go round the Sun. Hence on an average Saturn remains in a sign for about 2 ½ years. Saturn is called 'Yama' as he is the chief governor for longevity. Saturn is said to be 'lame' and the son of The Sun. Saturn is sometimes symbolized as Father Time.

Nature of Saturn --According to Western belief in olden days Sater or Satan was the name given to Saturn and he signified devil,darkness, secrecy, loss and misfortune. His nature is cold, dry, phlegmatic,melancholic, earthy and masculine. When Saturn is well placed or well aspected,the person is grave, profound, prudent, cautious and of excellent organizing and executive ability.

Bad effects of saturn-If Saturn is afflicted, the native is apt to be bigoted acquisitive irritable, discontented and complaining. Saturn governs the teeth, bones spleen,knees, right ear and sense of hearing.

 Saturn denotes -He rules brick laying, pottery, masonry,plumbing and other laborious and uncongenial employment. He denotes aged persons, thin, nervous, dark, reclusive-also farmers, miners, coal and junk dealers,property owners etc. He rules land, property, mines, lead and dealings in real estate.

Days and metals-Day Saturday, metals iron and steel, colour dark blue or black, gem blue sapphire
or other blue and black coloured stones.

 The influence of Saturn is commonly called evil and in this respect he is much maligned, but in reality there is no evil since all things work together for good ultimately. Saturn acts as a deterrent and because he brings denial and necessity into some lives, he has been considered as an oppressor, a Satan "He that filleth with pride will suffer a fall"; for Saturn will bring the native to his knees, humble him, and by means of restrictions, limitation and adversities, will cause the individual to ponder, study and seek to find the source of woe that in future may be overcome.
Saturn is a destroyer (of false ideals), he is also a redeemer, in that he brings to mind a state of introspection and stimulates effort towards perfection and victory. Saturnians are extremely sensitive but they hide their feelings and emotions under a mask of reserve. If  frequently censured, they withdraw from association and their progress and development are much delayed. Saturn is considered to be favourable for people born in the signs owned by Venus whereas Saturn is evil to those born in the signs governed by Mercury. He is also beneficial when he is in his own sign, or when he occupies the signs of Jupiter or when he is exalted. Saturn when benefic makes a person true, reliable, honest, sincere, faithful and chaste. He aids concentration,meditation prayers, etc. Saturn is the chief governor for longevity (He is called
Ayush Karaka). If he occupies the house of longevity, namely, the 8th house in a horoscope, the native gets a long span of life. Saturn owns Capricorn and Aquarius.He is exalted in Libra, the highest exaltation point being 20 degrees of Libra. He is debilitated in Aries, the lowest debilitation point being 20 degrees of Aries. For Saturn the first 20 degrees portion of Aquarius is his MÅ«ltrikona and the rest is his Swakshetra. The whole of Capricorn is also his swakshetra. Mercury and Venus are friends of Saturn. The Sun, the Moon and Mars are his enemies. Jupiter is neutral to him.

Line of fate -

What is fate line . (Fate line , Luck line Saturn line whatever you want to call)

Fate line is related to your luck , fate , prosperity etc. Lets discuss about which one is fate line among many lines in your palm .
Fate line is a line that can start from any point but it should terminate at Saturn mount .
Fate line is also known as Saturn line. so its also having properties of Saturn. Its very important to know property of Saturn. Saturn's main properties are patience, planning. color of Saturn is black, its represent worker class people, poor people.

Fate line does not confirm to get rich but its confirm to do better according to condition.

When, a double Line of Fate is clearly marked, especially if
they incline towards different mounts of the hand, such a mark indicates
that two careers would be carried out simultaneously--one perhaps as a
hobby and the other as the principal career.

When no Line of Fate whatever is found and only a very ordinary Line of
Head, then there will be nothing very particular to say about the
Destiny; such people, as a rule, lead very colorless lives, nothing
seems to affect them much one way or the other, and they will be found to
have very little purpose to illumine the drab monotony of their

Starting points and effects of fate line -fate line can start from any place from any mount.

fate line starting from Venus shows success in career due to relatives, specially young charming females only, these people can do business or job in the field of diamond, perfumes, music. If Venus is of bad condition, women with such line they become prostitute and men in the business of sex.

Starting from moon-when fate line starts from moon its take the property of moon. To take property of moon, moon should be not afflicted. I meant moon mount should not be low or exaggerated or there should be no bad marks over there. Moon represent journey through water , emotion , love , close friends , white color , milk , liquid products , water etc so we can say if fate line starts from moon it will take property of moon and we can say his fate will work due to journey , friends support .

Friday, August 3, 2012

planets and diseases

 Planets and diseases

Diseases caused by Mars :he produces fevers,blisters,sore eyes, skin diseases,apoplexy,wounds,wicked thoughts. With Jupiter he affects the gall,the reins,back and liver.

Disease caused by Jupiter -
Jupiter rules the liver,blood,ribs,lungs and gristle. Diseases:when afflicted he causes troubles of the heart,cramps,inflammation of the lungs,windy spasms. Apoplexy indicated by a line transverse cutting his mount and extending towards the mount of Saturn(middle finger),and forming there a cleft or little lines.

Disease caused by sun - Diseases:he produces sore eyes and blindness, especially of right eye in man and left in in a woman, and trembling the of the heart,syncope,etc.

Disease caused by moon- Diseases:affects the brain,stomach and belly, and occasions paralysis,epilepsy,cancer,spots on the body,griping and severe colds.

Disease caused by Saturn -
Diseases:he gives dangerous diseases,colds, coughs,melancholy,hypochondriac complaints, dropsy,gout,falling sickness,quarantine and hectic fevers.

Disease caused by mercury -
Diseases:he produces madness,fury,acute fevers, etc

Diseases caused by Venus - Venus causes sexual disease if it's afflicted, net structure or islands make person nervous system breakdown.Venus rules the skin, throat, veins,ovaries and internal generative organs and these are adversely affected by over indulgence in amusements, eating and drinking.

For more discussion on this topic visit planets and diseases

Thursday, August 2, 2012

palm lines of singers and palmistry

Before to start our study on palm lines of singers, we should know the basic concept first. We should know which planet is responsible for music, singing or any creativity.

Venus-Venus rules the sense of touch and to a great extent the disposition. Venus inclines to all that pertains to the higher attributes of the mind, music, poetry, painting, singing, drama, opera, acting and all refined amusements and adornments .Venus inclines to harmony and as this planet rules the sense of touch, he favors art, music and decoration. By their pleasing personality the subjects of Venus are natural peacemakers; their refined nature softens the ruffed feelings of friends and convert anger to pleasure. As Venus is the promoter of pleasure, these people are splendid entertainers and excellent hosts.
So when Venus is favorable in palm , such people love music, harmony. 

How to know if Venus is good or bad in your palm also if its favorable or not in palm.

If person is having good Venus mount on palm than mount of Venus should be shiny and less lines , no cross, net formation,no islands . Also life line should not touch Venus mount and should give full space to Venus mount. Life line should end in the middle of wrist.

Sun -Sun bestows a nature which is ambitious, art,proud, magnanimous, frank,generous, humane, firm and honorable.

check the palm line of James Blunt and Michal Jackson , there life line is terminating at the middle of wrist.shows the good effect of Venus also there sun line is prominent , shows ambition to get success.